


I wrote a weekly column for Atlanta’s Creative Loafing that was called “Paradigms” during its first few years and later renamed “Headcase.”

The column was published for about 20 years and was frequently reprinted on the Internet and in other publications. My plan is to resume it soon with another publication or independently as part of my Sacred Disorder blog.

To read some of the earlier “Paradigms” columns, when I was allowed to write in greater depth, see my original site, Soulworks.net.

Other columns are filed in Creative Loafing’s archives. Here are some links.


All Boomers are insane:
Blame it on the '60s

The value of LSD:
Reflecting on the death of Albert Hoffman

When the news is propaganda:
The U.S. media ignore a story about their own corruption

The construction of meaning:
Of Easter, tornadoes and aesthetics

Prozac of placebo?
A major study questions antidepresssants

Paranoid Nanny:
Doing it in the name of Jesus

An avalanche of criticism:
Psychology takes yet another turn

Why I was disinherited:
'For reasons known to him'

No, no, no
Should Amy Winehouse kill herself?

A run of bad luck
And a moment of gratitude

Just in time for Christmas
My father rejects me from his grave

Orphaned again
My father dies at 84

No, no, no
Should Amy Winehouse kill herself?

I'll never speak to you again
Unless you speak to me again

Reporting as stenography
It's gotten worse, but it certainly isn't new

The new atheism
'Tis the season to disbelieve

My worst Thanksgiving ever
Waiting for a corpse at a drive-in funeral home

Toffee Coffee Arctic epiphany
Insight rarely arrives on schedule

Meditation or medication?
Of depression, placebos and the Dalai Lama

Are you shy?
Perhaps you are mentally ill and need Paxil

Two different brains
Liberals and conservatives are literally wired differently

Tap dancing in the bathroom
Now, the GOP = Gays On Pottie

Freud and baggy pants
It's all about anal eroticism

The first day of school
How to make a bad impression in first grade

Looking for a mustard seed
A faith healer, a man who sits on the roof and me

My visit to PTL
Why Tammy Faye was gay-friendly

Necessary anthropomorphizing
Of Michael Vick and the nature of animals

One year later
A dream of a dove and my dead mother

Pandering at the AJC
Thoughtful criticism of the arts? Who needs it?

Everything Freud is new again
t's not only what you remember, it's how you remember

Massacre at Virginia Tech
Everyone has an explanation; no one has an answer

Twenty years later
The exemplary and angry work of ACT UP

Do you hear what I hear?
Psychology undertakes some new directions

Surprise! You're crippled!
My year of well-insured

Dancing and Death
Thoughts on a flamenco performance

The Shadow Knows
Why do good men say dumb things?

Are you a happy camper?
Positive psychology invades the schools

It's good to be dead
Saddam's a martyr and Ford's the great uniter

Does your life suck? It's time for some excellent negative thinking.

God is a goat:
On encountering Pan in a new movie

Are you a happy camper? Positive psychology invades the schools

Your body is not your own: Of the Love Shack, Mary's uterus and gay soy

Sincerely mendacious: When lying feels warm and fuzzy

Don't grunt: How to humiliate a musclehead

The cartoonish imagination: Of reefer, castration and Abu Ghraib

Delicious Schadenfreude: Americans cast out the Republican devils

Crystal meth and sex: How the drug turned an AIDS educator's life upside down

The freak is chic: Shortbus discloses the everyday theater of the absurd

The Mother's Gaze: Love, pain and the need to forgive

Meeting an avatar: A look back after five years of estrangement from a spiritual teacher

In the crucible of melancholy: Visiting childhood homes recalls the future

The crack in everything: Of broken hearts, angels and terrible knowledge

Who's crazy? Recalling my summer with severely autistic children

Blogging as therapy: Will cyberspace obliterate the consulting room?

Come home, Morpheus: A bout with insomnia

Walking the fine line: Challenging traditional perceptions of beauty -- and androgyny

My mother's memorial service and remembering Bryn Athyn Cathedral

My mother is dead: Remembering the character who shaped me

The poetry of pain: Is there meaning to be found in extreme pain?

For more, go here: By Cliff Bostock