Sacred Disorder | Cliff Bostock's blog – 'Finally, I came to regard as sacred the disorder of my mind' (Rimbaud)
How I avoided the cosmetic surgery called tattooing
When I was a kid, I received almost weekly instruction from my mother never to get a tattoo. It was one of many things she deemed “hideous.” She most often issued the edict as we passed a trailer park on the way to her sister’s cabin on the Catawba River, not far from our home […]
Broken-hearted, lost in a labyrinth, encountering angels
PSYCHOLOGICAL LIFE begins in the imagination. That’s one reason I have a sign in my office, dangling from the mantel, that asks clients if they have a dream to share or if something unusual happened since their last session. The latter — odd, sometimes surreal experiences — often communicate at great depth what is going […]
Is compassion a lost virtue?
There is a new, wonderful video by Krista Tippett for TED. She is host of the NPR show “On Being.” I especially like the way she compares tolerance and compassion. Many people inappropriately conflate the two. Followers of James Hillman’s work will be interested to hear that Krista associates compassion with beauty and notes that […]
The power of images and beauty
Here are two poems I like very much. I frequently refer clients to them because they express what I’m often trying to communicate about the value of images and beauty in my work. It is not ultimately analysis that moves us out of our psychological blocks. It’s the image, the aesthetic, itself. Both of these […]
God, beauty and inhumanity
I know. You’ve read this on a zillion such blogs: I’m a lousy blogger. Just like all the others. Really, blogging is an odd undertaking if you’ve spent years writing for (small amounts of) cash. Anyway, I wanted to post this video if only for my own records. I posted it on Facebook, where every […]