Sacred Disorder | Cliff Bostock's blog – 'Finally, I came to regard as sacred the disorder of my mind' (Rimbaud)
My tales of the greedy, heartless healthcare industry
It’s not insurance companies per se that rip us off. It’s the hospitals, Big Pharma, medical equipment makers and greedy doctors. Here’s a few of my personal experiences.
‘I ain’t ringin’ you up, you heathen birth-controller’
It’s not insurance companies per se that rip us off. It’s the hospitals, Big Pharma, medical equipment makers and greedy doctors. Here’s a few of my personal experiences.
Stretching sucks
It’s not insurance companies per se that rip us off. It’s the hospitals, Big Pharma, medical equipment makers and greedy doctors. Here’s a few of my personal experiences.
Less is more…in the gym, anyway
It’s not insurance companies per se that rip us off. It’s the hospitals, Big Pharma, medical equipment makers and greedy doctors. Here’s a few of my personal experiences.