Sacred Disorder | Cliff Bostock's blog – 'Finally, I came to regard as sacred the disorder of my mind' (Rimbaud)

Yoga: cat furniture

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There are 2 Comments to "Yoga: cat furniture"

  • Ann says:

    This makes me happy in so many ways. Thank you!

  • Michael says:

    I liked the fact that when I went to YouTube to view the cat video, I also found a number of yoga vids that gave a chuckle or a gasp. In the former category was a scene from an International Yoga “Championship” in Amsterdam–the best thing about it was not what you could see, but the fact that there was hooting in the audience. Who knew yoga fans did the “woof-woof-woof!” chant to honor their heroes?

    In the latter category were a number of vids from Russia, including scenes of Russian-style “gangsta” yoga (what?) and some scenes of a Russian yogi who probably can not only suck himself off while doing a one-handed handstand, but who appears to be impervious to breakage of any kind.

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