Sacred Disorder | Cliff Bostock's blog – 'Finally, I came to regard as sacred the disorder of my mind' (Rimbaud)
Broken-hearted, lost in a labyrinth, encountering angels
PSYCHOLOGICAL LIFE begins in the imagination. That’s one reason I have a sign in my office, dangling from the mantel, that asks clients if they have a dream to share or if something unusual happened since their last session. The latter — odd, sometimes surreal experiences — often communicate at great depth what is going […]
Remembering James Hillman
(NOTE: I have done some editing since first posting this.) James Hillman, whose work I have long regarded as my principal intellectual inspiration, died Thursday, Oct. 27. The New York Times published his obituary with this opening paragraph: James Hillman, a charismatic therapist and best-selling author whose theories about the psyche helped revive interest in […]