Sacred Disorder | Cliff Bostock's blog – 'Finally, I came to regard as sacred the disorder of my mind' (Rimbaud)

Archive for "Oct 19 2008"

Wired to another device

Of my many hesitations in life, some of the more predictable pertain to technology.

I didn’t buy a computer until my therapist talked me into it — well after every other writer was using one. I didn’t switch to Apple until about 3 years ago — after countless viruses and data catastrophes. My TV is over 20 years old and so is my VCR — neither of which I ever use. I am the last person on earth to get a cell phone. Well, my partner took longer, so I guess I’m the next-to-the-last.

Thus it was a big deal for me to finally buy an Ipod. I couldn’t think of much use for one. Typically, people I know use them in the gym and it’s a continual source of annoyance when I speak to someone and he has to unplug himself from his Ipod.

Also, I like to read in the gym. I can’t do the treadmill without a book or magazine. I even carry a book around when I’m lifting weights. At my old gym, Peachtree Center Athletic Club, I was teased pretty relentlessly about this habit, but the young guys at LA Fitness, where I’ve been a member the last 3 or 4 years, rarely make a comment. That’s because they’re all wired up and on another planet. (Reading makes me look even older!)

That does bring up another reason I’ve resisted an Ipod. I already spend too much time wired to my computer and another device threatens to disassociate me all the more from real life. In fact, I tried portable tape and CD players in the past and quickly gave them away after feeling disembodied during my workouts.

But I finally broke down when I saw the Ipod Touch — basically the Iphone without a phone. Besides playing music and videos, it has WiFi reception that allows me to browse the Web and, most important, pick up email. It also has an on-screen keyboard that allows me to make notes at restaurants or about column ideas, something I’m always reminding myself to do and then forget. (I didn’t get an Iphone, because I don’t want AT&T cell service.)

I bought the Ipod at Best Buys after trying to order it online and finding it back-ordered. As usual with Apple, everything about the device is elegant and intuitive — astonishingly so. If only the rest of life could be as simple. But I already knew Apple was more reliable than most of life.

Almost three years ago, I walked out of the Apple store at Lenox with my new Powerbook in my hands. My already injured knees gave away and I fell, throwing the laptop into the air. It landed flat and, laying there, unable to get up, I turned it on. It worked perfectly.

So, now I’m wired to yet another device. I’ll let you know how it goes after fascination with the technology itself wears off.




